“Just take a minute to just calm down, and breathe,” we’ve all heard it, and in a moment of despair you think to yourself, how can I possibly calm down at a time like this! According to scientific studies, not only is it possible, its recommended! Meditation is considered the act of finding balance and harmony in your body to promote relaxation. In turn you are cleansing your mind, body, and soul. We shower daily to clean our bodies, why wouldn’t you take 20 minutes a day to clean your mind as well?
According to the American Meditation Society, clinical studies that span 30 years all show significant positive effects on the mind and body. When you take 20 minutes to meditate your blood pressure improves, your immune system gets stronger, it slows the aging process, reduces anxiety and stress, and decreases insomnia.
By improving your mental clarity, you can increase self-awareness and concentration. By improving just these two aspects of your life, you can learn to accept yourself in your own skin, make good healthy lifestyle changes, and increase your happiness.
Where do you begin? There are several resources available for people who want to learn to meditate properly. Local gyms generally offer classes that teach meditation in conjunction with yoga, some churched offer classes, and even smart phones offer apps that guide you through meditation. Here are some simple meditation steps for beginners:
1. Sit or lie comfortably. You may even want to invest in a meditation chair.
2. Close your eyes.
3. Make no effort to control the breath; simply breathe naturally.
4. Focus your attention on the breath and on how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation.
Whether you’re just trying to find inner peace, or trying to overcome something more, it’s clear that meditation is a treatment that you can take with you anywhere! So the next time that someone says “Just calm down and breathe,” Give it a try, you may be pleasantly surprised by the results!
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